jeudi 3 janvier 2008


je lui souhait de gagner les élections et de donnée plus de sociale et que les gens qui on perdue leur travail ou leur maison retrouve la dignité humain de vivre mieux que maintenant et que les gay et lesbienne puise avoir les mémé droit dans tout le pays


Thank you for everything you've done for our campaign. We are about to take the first big step together toward a new beginning, and it means so much to have your support.

The contribution you make today will go towards helping us win in these early contests.

Hillary was raised in a middle-class family in the middle of America. From that classic suburban childhood in Park Ridge, Illinois, Hillary went on to become one of America's foremost advocates for children and families; an attorney twice voted one of the most influential in America; a First Lady of Arkansas who helped transform the schools; a bestselling author; a First Lady for America who helped transform that role, becoming a champion for health care and families at home and a champion of women's rights and human rights around the world.

Since her path-breaking election to the United States Senate, Hillary has been a steadfast advocate for middle-class families, working to help create jobs, expand children's health care and protect Social Security from privatization. As the Senator representing New York after 9/11, Hillary has fought to strengthen our approach to homeland security and to improve our communications and intelligence operations. As the first New Yorker ever named to the Senate Armed Services Committee, Hillary has been a tough critic of the administration's bungling of Iraq and a fierce advocate for proper equipment, health benefits, and treatment for military families.

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